Just recently I watched the WWDC keynote. In that they introduced a new app to teach Swift programming language. The lessons taught programming through a game. In one of the lessons, the objective was to move the game character forward and grab a gem. The character had to move forward 3 times before collecting the gem. So, it was called 3 times.


As programmers we ask ourselves how can we avoid this duplication or code repetition. The most obvious answer is using loops which is imperative.

for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {

If there are other functions that need this behavior we are going to have many such functions with for loops around them. This can be generalized by writing a function.

function times(func, number) {
  for (var i = 0; i < number; i++) {

Functions being first class objects in Javascript allow them to be passed as arguments to a function and then called inside. We just need to pass the function the needs repetition and how many times it needs to be repeated.

times(moveForward, 3);

It is looking more declarative now. We can go one step further and attach this as a method of the function as functions are objects in Javascript.

moveForward.times = function(num) {
  for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) {

Here we are using this to refer to the function which behaves as an object here and using it’s call method available in Function.prototype.call. Now, we just need to treat the function as an object and call it with its newly attached method.


To make it available across all functions we can attach this method to the prototype of Javascript’s Function.

Function.prototype.times = Function.prototype.times || function(num) { // check to see if this method was already attached
  for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) {

If we needed to pass arguments to our original function, we can rewrite the implementation to incorporate variable arguments as the arguments passed is available as an Object called arguments inside the function. Then, we can use a common trick to convert the arguments to an array so that it can be passed to the apply method of the Function which is another method similar to call but accepts arguments as an array.

Function.prototype.times = Function.prototype.times || function() { // check to see if this method was already attached
  var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
  var length = args.length;
  var num = length && Number.isInteger(args[length - 1]) && args[length - 1] || 0; // Treat the last argument as the count. If no arguments the number of repetitions is zero
  for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) {
    this.apply(this, args.pop()); // Except the last argument, the rest of them are actual arguments to the function.

Here is how we can call it if we have a function that accepted an argument,

function print(message) {
print.times('Hello', 3);

‘Hello’ will be printed 3 times.

This was just an overview of the power of functions in Javascript which can be used to provide a declarative approach to calling a function multiple times making the invocation generic, reusable and readable.